Our Mission
In a world where the planet's boundaries are constantly challenged, we face a crucial choice: continue as before or take steps toward a sustainable future. As a family of five embarking on a global sailing journey, we aim to explore and address the gap between our everyday choices and what’s best for nature, climate, and health. We acknowledge that making the right choices for the environment is often challenging. Sometimes we lack the knowledge, and other times we may not want to make the sacrifices necessary. This journey is as much about our own learning and growth as it is about sharing insights with others. Last but not least, we will explore different countries, pristine and historical sites, and connect with diverse people. Join us as we navigate this journey and work towards a sustainable future together.
The Family
Captains Anicke (47) and Espen (46), and the crew, Christoffer (20) Fredrik (17) and Emilie (14). Together, we share the goal of sailing the world and documenting our experiences along the way the on Yggdrasil.
Our Boat
Yggdrasil is a 40-foot catamaran that has been equipped with everything we need to live comfortably and safely while sailing the world's oceans. Follow our blog to learn more about our boat and the adventures we have had on her.
Our Story
In the summer of 2024 we bid farewell to our conventional careers, transitioning our two teenagers to homeschooling and are joined by our 20 year old son. This makes it possible to pursuit our dream of sailing around the world. Our journey is more than a maritime endeavor; it’s a pledge to adventure, a reflection of our family’s tenacity, and a commitment to environmental guardianship.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, a suggestion, or just want to say hello.

Our journey so far
Years of Sailing
Countries Visited
Photos Taken
Carbon Footprint
Plastic Waste
Our Partners